What would you like to know? I'll be happy to meet you!


Jul 24, 2024


My name is Ethan V, a game designer specializing in creating user experience and narrative. My passion is crafting immersive narratives in interactive games between retro 2D and modern 3D styles. My goal is to lead and create compelling stories in the gaming world with trusted creatives across multiple fields to tell their own. If you reach out, make sure you say Hello, Ethan.


Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Media: Purposeful Game Design

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, 2025

XYZ University, 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Media: Purposeful Game Design

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, 2025

XYZ University, 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Media: Purposeful Game Design

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, 2025

XYZ University, 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Media: Purposeful Game Design

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, 2025

XYZ University, 2010


Webflow 101 Certificate

Webflow University, 2023

XYZ University, 2010

Webflow 101 Certificate

Webflow University, 2023

XYZ University, 2010

Webflow 101 Certificate

Webflow University, 2023

XYZ University, 2010

Webflow 101 Certificate

Webflow University, 2023

XYZ University, 2010

Foundation of User Experience (UX) Design

Google, 2023

XYZ University, 2010

Foundation of User Experience (UX) Design

Google, 2023

XYZ University, 2010

Foundation of User Experience (UX) Design

Google, 2023

XYZ University, 2010

Foundation of User Experience (UX) Design

Google, 2023

XYZ University, 2010


Game UX/UI Designer Intern

Tanbii, May '24 - present

XYZ University, 2010

Game UX/UI Designer Intern

Tanbii, May '24 - present

XYZ University, 2010

Game UX/UI Designer Intern

Tanbii, May '24 - present

XYZ University, 2010

Game UX/UI Designer Intern

Tanbii, May '24 - present

XYZ University, 2010